The entire world has undergone immense changes in the past year that none of us could have imagined prior to the pandemic. While some of us may have considered what would happen if we were ever faced with this kind of global challenge, it would have been hard to comprehend the altered lifestyles we would experience as a result until it actually became our reality.
The enormity of the change in daily life experienced by people, communities and nations spanning the world has taken us all by storm. It has forced us to shift our focus inward because all of the movement around us has stopped. We have become more aware of what is happening within by default because many of the distractions have fallen away.
Could this be the point? Could there be a spiritual agenda in place underneath this pandemic? As we step into the unity paradigm and the golden age of peace, could this unwelcomed event be providing an opportunity for human beings to close out on old business in preparation for the new age?
Let’s just assume for a minute that this is an opportunity. Wouldn’t we be well served if we use this pause to actively and consciously work on awakening ourselves to an enlightened way of being?
If you answered yes to that question, think about this: awakening is about opening to higher truths by way of seeing things from a vantage point that positions us above the fray. We become observers rather than participants. As participants, we likely only see what is right in front of us, but as observers, we have a 360-degree view. Observation is how we connect most fully and completely with truth.
Truth will show us where we have fallen down. Truth will point out our strengths. Truth will unite us with the understanding of why we were stuck. Truth will tell us what lessons we have yet to learn. The knowledge that comes from these truths will be the currency we use to procure freedom from the old way of being. Truth lays the stepping-stones to the new paradigm at our feet.
Every effort each one of us makes to connect with and grow from inner truth holds the potential to profoundly impact collective humanity because my success is your success is our success. And thanks to the events of the past year, this is a lesson in unity that has been on display for us to see quite clearly.
“In my pursuit to help human beings honor the inner spirit of one and all, I invite you to join Facebook group Evolve through Love hosted by Elizabeth Scarcella and me.” – Aimee Mosco
Go to and share with us your joy. Aimee Mosco is an Author, Intuitive Channel, Spiritual Teacher and Co-Founder of Intentional Healing Systems, LLC. Aimee’s desire to help others inspired her book “Gratitude + Forgiveness x (LOVE) = Happiness”. Aimee also sits on the Board of Directors for World Game Changers, a charitable organization based in the UK. Find Aimee at
Written By Aimee Mosco, originally published for Coachella Valley Weekly SWAG for the Soul Column