Season Of Peace
For many countries around the world, December is a season of peace, hope, comfort, and joy with multiple religious holidays. To quote a Christmas song… “It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Besides Christmas and Hanukkah, multiple faiths celebrate a season for giving and a season of forgiving. It’s not an accident that if you remove one space in the words, you get an equally beautiful concept. Dig deeper beyond the various customs, the holiday parties and gift exchanges, and you find a simple message: peace on Earth. Peace between nations, between neighbours, between family members and friends.

It all starts, of course, with peace within. This is often difficult to come by, especially after such a transformative year with massive changes. Because we are often ‘busy fools’ at this time of year, it’s easy to drown out “the song/ Of peace on earth, goodwill to men (humanity),” as another popular song says. But if we become still and quiet for a moment, we hear a different tune – of hope, peace, and love. This is what we at World Game-Changers wish for everyone in this holiday season. It’s one gift that fits everyone on your list and is timeless.
Speaking From Our Hearts Volume 7: Managing Change.
Speaking of lists this newest anthology, published on Wednesday 1st December 2021, as ever contains uplifting, real-life chapters from a regular group of co-authors, as well as truly inspirational contributions from a growing number of budding teenage writers.
Another debutant appears in the form of Danielle Asha Mantho, who resides in Cameroon, Africa. On the theme of budding teenage writers, Rudr Sahoo – a ten-year-old from Australia – makes his debut, as does Ajinkya Mahadik from India.

World Game-Changers Podcast
December hosts five podcast episodes, starting with WGC Ambassador Paul Kelly, from Europe – on Thursday 2nd – discussing young people’s mental health. Contributions continue over the following four weeks, by guests from Australia (Scott Carson), India (Vishakha Agnihotri, also Rukshana & Zaheed Parvez), and Africa, where Danielle completes a book & podcast ‘double’.