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News April 2022

By April 4, 2022November 8th, 2023No Comments

Soulful Leaders

A 2017 article in Forbes defines soulful leadership this way:
‘Purposeful leadership journeys guided by an inner awakening that faithfully and diligently consider the full range of sacrifices embedded in leadership decisions so the ongoing prosperity and wellbeing of all involved – the leader, the organization, people (employees, customers, communities), and the planet (health and resources) – can be increased’.
Although this applies to business, it applies equally to nonprofits and any organization. Soulful Leaders show appreciation for the gifts they have been given – the gifts of being able to contribute meaningfully to people’s lives. At World Game-Changers, we appreciate the Soulful Leaders who serve on our board, and the Patrons and Ambassadors who work so hard and uplift our organization, as well as their communities.
On February 26th, four of our team members gave soulful talks on ‘Being – v – Doing’. They purposefully agreed to lead an event aimed at growing our community, sharing of themselves. These are the types of stories we will be spotlighting in an upcoming podcast feature, ‘Soulful Leaders’. And our book Speaking From Our Hearts: Vol. 10 marks the bittersweet end of a publishing adventure – although not quite the end – watch this space!

Speaking From Our Hearts
10-Volume Box Set

As the merry month of May looms ever-closer, we eagerly anticipate the publication of all ten volumes of these anthology-type books from the Speaking From Our Hearts series.
It is hard to imagine such a diverse array of topics and inspirational insights, shared by so many compassionate co-authors from all around the world. There are no bounds to this diversity – including a couple of beautiful shares from a 9-year-old boy (Rudr Sahoo), who lives in Australia.
It would be futile to try and capture the truly profound essence of each and every co-author, other than to say they have all – in their own totally authentic and unique way – contributed significantly to this 222 limited-edition box set. More details to follow, next month…

World Game-Changers Podcast

Our episodes start to double from April onwards, with the usual Thursday airing now being joined by relationship-focused conversations each Tuesday. Excitingly, seven of the eight episodes for this month, feature completely new guests – ranging from Europe, Asia and America. No matter where the location, you may be sure of a truly insightful and remarkable episode.
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