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World Game-Changer Projects

The primary objective of World Game-Changers is to support and participate in projects that elevate the quality of life for all living beings and make the world a better place.


We understand the challenges that charities face in bringing their projects to fruition, and our goal is to help bridge the gap between vision and reality.

Local Initiatives… Global Stage

At our core, we believe in the power of collaboration and working together towards a common goal. That’s why we offer charities the opportunity to join forces with us and make an even bigger impact. Through our partnership, we can help build awareness for your cause, provide expert teams to support your initiatives, secure funding, and expand your reach to other parts of the world.


Poverty is a widespread and heartbreaking issue, affecting individuals and communities around the world, both in developed and developing countries.


Education remains a privilege for many, with millions of children and adults around the world unable to access quality learning opportunities.


Access to healthcare that covers mental, physical, and emotional health is vital, but not available to many. Ensuring access promotes a healthier population.


The environment is under threat from climate change, pollution, and habitat destruction, causing harm to wildlife and endangering the planet.

World Game-Changers Badges

We appreciate that there are so many World Game-Changers all around the globe doing phenomenal work to contribute to creating a more beautiful world. Supporting local communities, raising awareness, acts of service and commitment to practices does not go un-noticed – these contributions are deeply appreciated, and to express our thanks we have created an initiative to award badges to those in recognition of this.

The 10 categories for the nominations are the LEGS: Life-Enhancing-Goals

If you know a person, business/organisation that deserves to be recognised, please get in touch to find out more about nominations.
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The World Game-Changers Podcast hosted by Paul D. Lowe


Our Books

Anthologies written by  Global World Game-Changers

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