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News May 2024

By May 27, 2024June 27th, 2024No Comments


“There comes a time, when we heed a certain call, when the world must come together as one…” Many of us may instantly recognize these iconic lyrics from the opening of the USA for Africa 1994 song, “We Are The World.”

Thirty years on, and we at World Game-Changers continue to contribute to Africa; this time in partnership with the life-enhancing Centre for Adolescent & Young Change-Makers – headed-up by a wonderful servant leader, Collins Mureithi.

Those of us who know and work with this remarkable man are truly blessed. His social media posts about his life-changing work educating and training young leaders are the antidote to the bad news we so often see in the world. He certainly “heeds a certain call,” and now, he has invited our family to “come together as one” to support the Centre and these young future servant leaders in the Young Change-Makers Fellowship.