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News June 2024

By July 8, 2024July 11th, 2024No Comments


In June, in many countries, students don their caps and gowns or other formal attire and celebrate graduation – from medical school, law school, undergraduate college, high school, even from different grades. It’s a time of celebration and looking back on accomplishments, as well as looking forward to the future, and to leveling-up.

Isn’t it true, however, that we all have moments of graduation in our lives that involve milestones besides diplomas and grades?

When we face challenges or situations such as illnesses, bad personal relationships, careers and jobs that aren’t working, and other tests, change can be frightening. The student who suddenly faces going to high school and a new set of challenges is as much full of fear and anxiety as he or she is excited to try new things. It’s very tempting to want to stay at our current level and not move forward – but change happens to all of us, whether we’re ready for it or not.

All the advice and speeches in the world can’t move you from Level 2 to Level 3 if you’re standing on the proverbial threshold, waiting to walk through that door. Sometimes, you need people to stand beside you and say, “I get it. I feel you.” Them, you need other people to take you by the hand and pull you through that door – or give you a friendly push!