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News January 2024

By January 18, 2024No Comments

Investing In A Healthy Future

Every year, people resolve to ‘lose weight,’ ‘go to the gym, ‘go on a diet,’ ‘quit smoking,’ and other New Year’s resolutions. As the ball drops around the world and we count down to midnight wherever we live, we view the new year as a time to reset and to write a new chapter in our health. Unfortunately, we don’t always accomplish those goals. We mean to, but after the excitement of the fresh new year fades, reality and our familiar routines set in.

The investment in health is a worthwhile goal. Health is something that touches all of our lives and that sometimes we take for granted until something goes wrong. While we can’t avoid health problems, we can be proactive rather than getting out of shape or having a poor diet and then making unrealistic promises we can’t keep, especially in our current mindset. Instead, what we can do is say:

“I will have my best health ever this year.” Or: “I will live my best life this year.” Who can argue with those?