How’s Your LEGs & LIPs?
LEGs – or Life-Enhancing Goals – are the foundation on which we stand as an organization. These ten goals are the basis for our being and doing. Awareness-Raising & Purposeful Communication is the first one, because it is at the heart of everything we do.
Our other LEGs are: 2. Expanding Good Health & Wellbeing, 3. Self-Empowering SEE (Sport, Education & Employment) Opportunities, 4. Responsible & Mindful Consumption, 5. Individuals’ Prosperous Living, 6. Purposeful Partnerships & Relationships, 7. Ethical Business & Entrepreneurship, 8. Financial Sustainability & Positive Impact, 9. Life On Land & Below Water, and 10. Prosperous Global Communities.
LIPs – or Love-Inspired Projects – are supported by our LEGs. That may sound like we’re joking, but we’re not!. Our LIPs are how we express our mission, vision and values, our philosophy, and our beliefs. For example, we created 222 limited-edition box sets from the Speaking From Our Hearts anthologies – each box set containing book volumes 1-10. We also have co-created podcast episodes – sharing guests’ invaluable insights – with a target of reaching a landmark five hundred episodes before the year-end.
The inaugural ‘WGC Impact Summit’ in London starts on Friday 21st October…

…Onboard the prestigious HQS Wellington ship. In addition, we have the WGC North America nonprofit we have formed.
Isn’t it true that everything starts with a solid foundation, perhaps as basic as ABC? ABC=Awareness, Beliefs and Creativity. Awareness of our goals, Beliefs about achieving those goals, and finally the Creativity that helps us co-create projects based on those goals. So the LEGs really help us stand up for what we believe in, stand up and be counted, and then run with joy and passion. The LIPs help us express that passion and that creativity.
What are some of the Life-Enhancing Goals you are pursuing? They don’t have to be big ones. They could be as simple as ‘listening and empathizing’ – after all, we all need a listening ear. So begs the question, what Love-Inspired Projects are you (co)creating?
Again, the project could be as simple as supporting someone who needs a listening ear…
World Game-Changers Podcast
Talking of projects, the five-episodes-a-week approach continues throughout August, with no less than 23 broadcasts.
There is not a one-size-fits all approach to these episodes; some as a singular host (Bob Conlin), others in the format of a mini-series – either way, the insightful shares are not to be missed!
Check out these – and over 400+ other episodes: