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News April 2024

By April 25, 2024May 16th, 2024No Comments


Easter has come and gone, and it represents “The Greatest Story Ever Told.” But there’s a second “Greatest Story Ever Told.” What is it?

It’s YOUR story. Your truth. Your story and your truth are unique to you. They are as individual as you are. Like all good stories, there are some common elements…

  • Values—what matters to you? What do you stand for? What is worth living for and dying for?
  • Goals—what do you want? What is so important to you that you’ll take risks to get it?
  • Obstacles—what stands in your way? Is it something inside you—attitudes, beliefs, trauma? Is it a battle against injustice? Are you facing illness, family conflicts, economic hardships, or relationship difficulties? Are you fighting “the system”?
  • Stakes—Why is it so important that you succeed? What-or whom—will you lose if you don’t? Will you lose yourself?
  • Facing Death—This doesn’t have to be a literal death. It could be the death of a relationship, of a career, or anything else you value. It takes courage to accept losses and embrace something new.